Transform your God Designed Nervous System with the Safe and Sound Protocol

What is the Safe and Sound Protocol?

The SSP is an evidence-based listening therapy designed to reduce sound sensitivities and improve auditory processing, behavioral state regulation, and social engagement behaviors through filtered music. As a practical application of Polyvagal Theory, the SSP acts as a non-invasive, acoustic vagal nerve stimulator, helping to retune the nervous system to better support connection, collaboration and resilience.

The SSP involves listening to specially filtered music through headphones alongside a provider in person or remotely. Suitable for children and adults, the SSP has demonstrated benefits for individuals with trauma, anxiety, sensory processing differences and more.

The Full SSP consists of:

  • A 5-hour auditory intervention developed and patented by Dr. Stephen Porges, author of the Polyvagal Theory.
  • Designed to reduce sound sensitivity, and improve auditory processing and behavioral state regulation.
  • Supports physiological state regulation, allowing for greater resilience.

Megan is certified to deliver the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP). You can book an initial session with her by becoming a Tier 2 Member of the Aligned + Renewed Wellness Collective

You can also learn more here!

Is SSP safe for everyone?

No, there are contraindications which include:

  • Active or uncontrolled seizures
  • Psychosis
  • Tinnitus
  • If you are extremely sensitive to sound, you may find SSP overwhelming. However, there may be ways to make SSP work for you – like starting with speakers at a super low volume. This will be determined in your first session with Megan.
  • People with autoimmune conditions, neurological disorders, or complex chronic illnesses often have a more sensitive nervous system. While SSP holds great potential for relief, these cases require slow and careful pacing. These conditions may still benefit from SSP, but the program must be carefully monitored, and you should have your psychiatrist, mental health or medical provider assess your suitability before starting the program.
  • If you are currently self-harming or having active suicidal thoughts, SSP isn’t recommended. But if you’ve had these experiences in the past and they’re under control, SSP might be a supportive option—In this case, Megan will require your primary care provider to approve your plan before beginning.

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